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What is "The Coming Storm"?

We live in a changing world during a time of increasing international tensions and remarkable historical events. These events that we are witnessing on a daily basis may not be comforting, but when seen against the backdrop of God's Word, a ray of hope is revealed. That hope reminds us of our humanity, of our Creator, and the relationship that we have with Him as a people. The purpose of the TCS Network is to capture these moments in our world, as they happen, and to share them with all those who would listen. The TCS Network is a means to inform and prepare others for what lies ahead.


For those of us who believe in God, the TCS Network has proven to be a solid reminder for us that the Signs of the Times are here indeed and are all around us. For those of us who do not share in a belief in God, the TCS Network still welcomes you and will prove to be a unique source of relevant news and information that will not exist anywhere else.


It is our hope that what is presented here at TCS, and throughout the TCS Network may be of interest to you and may encourage you to engage other participants in the discussions that ensue regarding these changing global events.


Everyday, most of us open a newspaper, turn on cable news, or read a favorite news site on the web. The headlines are becoming quite clear - they are sending a warning for all of humanity - a Storm Warning. But will we listen to the rumbles of thunder in the distance, or see the ominous clouds approaching from all sides..Regardless of what we all believe or may not believe, I am sure there is one thing that we can all agree on:


We Can All Clearly See.....The Coming Storm.

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